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Target Innovations is the exclusive manufacturer and supplier of the two-sided training target that is the preferred TASER X2 - X26 - X26P training target of Axon Enterprise Inc.

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Steve Staskiewicz is Owner and President of Target Innovations, LLC. 


Target Innovations, LLC is the exclusive manufacturer and supplier of the two-sided Conducted Electrical Weapon (CEW) training target that is the preferred TASER X2 - X26 - X26P training target of Axon Enterprise Inc. (fka TASER International). This full size, full body target helps train proper aim, probe placement and probe spread at various distances. The internal metallic layer emulates the audible sound emitted by a TASER when both probes strike a human body. That sound is critical in determining proper deployment in low light conditions or when direct visual assessment is obstructed. Proper TASER training teaches that "silence is golden" and this target emulates that "silence" when properly deployed. Our target is approximately six feet tall when top and bottom are connected and printed on the front side with a frontal human image, with the target back side showing a rear human image.


Origin of the Invention


Have you seen the car commercial where they name some huge companies that were started in a garage? Here is a link:


You can add the TASER training target to that list. Steve Staskiewicz was working as a printing estimator and IT Manager in early 2009. One day he was in his brother Dave’s garage, where he was shown a homemade TASER training target. As Dave (a TASER Senior Master Instructor and former TASER Training Advisory Board member) was demonstrating the construction and function of his target, Steve’s 27 year background in print manufacturing enabled him to immediately visualize an original concept for a new TASER training target. That concept for a single-sided target was manufactured and sold by his previous employer.

Improvements to the Original Target


More recently, Steve came up with another concept for an improved two-sided target to address some product cost, quality, fulfillment and distribution issues throughout the supply chain. By redesigning the shape and reducing the amount of metal so it is not completely covering the target, he was able to provide TASER with a two-sided training target for the same cost as their previous single-sided target. By printing the targets on front and back, Axon was able to reduce the number of SKU's from four to two. This new and improved target is in Patent Pending status, manufactured and sold by Target Innovations, LLC.

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